Much Ado about Not Much

I am a monoheterosexual (MHS), and I identify as a man; my pronouns are he, him, his.
I am really quite offended there is no “H” in LGBTQA+.  Well, maybe the “+” includes “H”, but somehow I kind of doubt it.  If the LGBTQA+ movement really was interested in inclusion and equality, my “H” would be included, but I guess they really aren’t “inclusive”.

Just in case there is any confusion…oh wait…confusion is what it’s all about, it’s very hard to take seriously this whole “gender identity”, “sexual choice” business.  For the sake of acceptance, I have tried to understand it, really, I have, but it has gotten well out of hand.  I thought I understood the difference between “gender” and “sex” and “sex” and “gender”, you know, being MHS-M and all, but the lines begin to blur when you listen to the gender-bender acolytes.
It seems, even contrary to all the biological laws which determine sex in all mammals (of which we are a species) that we believe we can actually choose our sex…after birth.  Let’s ignore the whole XX and XY chromosome thing and our first appearance out of the womb and just say to the world “I am (and just pick one).  Between initial cries, I announce “I’m non-binary”. 

I’m sorry, it really doesn’t work that way.  In the mammalian world…that XX-XY thing again…genetics determine if one is born female or male.  Yes, there is intersex…someone born with both male and female sex characteristics.  Intersex, by the most thorough existing research, occurs in an estimated 1.7% of the population.  That leaves 98.3% of us being male or female, with a general ratio of 49.5% male to 50.47% female.  You can’t look in the mirror while naked and come to the conclusion that the image staring back is “non-binary”.

Preposterously, there are those who believe that we can change…or deny…the sex we were “assigned at birth”.  Nonsense.  There is no one “assigning” sex “at birth”.  It’s very difficult to imagine an entity…maybe God…sitting in the celestial chair, clipboard in hand as you come plunging through the birth canal, “Now, let me see, it’s 9:03AM, and we’ve done three females already…this one comes out male.”  Bingo! A male breaks free.  Surprise, sex is a genetic determination which happens long before introduction to the world and the godly clipboard.

And then after bending genders, we have the mania for saying men can give birth.  Contrary to those adherents, males cannot give birth.  There is no case in existence where “Fred” (male) gave birth.   And why is that?  For a mammal (and again, of which we are) to give birth requires a vagina, uterus, ovaries, and other female reproductive organs that are responsible for conceiving and nurturing a developing fetus.  That would be cats, dogs, dolphins, and human beings among a great range of mammals.  On my last full body scan at my doctor’s office, there were no female reproductive organs.  Stop and think for just a moment; if a male (remember…male parts) could give birth, do you have any notion how painful THAT would be?

Oh, but then there is the caveat offered by some “learned” minds.  Men have the “capacity” to become pregnant.  There you go…”capacity”.  “Fred” is actually a transwomman.  Ahhh… now I understand.  “Fredricka”, the transwoman, is actually “Fred”, born a genetic male who was impregnated by insertion, in some manner, of sperm coming from…you guessed it…a genetic male…wait a second…that’s still not going to work now is it; where is the sperm inserted…don’t answer that.  And now ze or zie or xe asserts ze or zie or xe is a female and because of wardrobe choice, can have a baby.

Should you stick to the biological fact that men definitely cannot conceive and give birth, you are labeled “transphobic”.  And there is an explanation for “men have the ‘capacity’ to conceive”.  That would be “transmen”.  Transmen can indeed conceive and carry to term, but “transmen” are, in that pesky real world, females who “identify” as males.  That would be “Fred”, the transman, who was actually born “Fredricka”, the biological female, who, by virtue of wardrobe choice can indeed still conceive and does indeed have that “capacity” to be pregnant.  And…Bingo!…a male can give birth.

The disciples of “gender/sex identity” caution the ill-informed that gender is not the same as sex.  Because a person’s sex and gender identity do not have to be the same, it’s important to know the difference between them.  All right, I agree with the thought.  For the sake of full disclosure, I have to admit I consulted some authorities.  I learned that gender identity is an internal sense of being a man, a woman, both, neither, or somewhere in between.  Some examples of gender identity types include non-binary, cisgender, genderfluid, male, female, transgender, gender neutral, agender, and pangender.  Only an individual can determine their own gender identity, and it does not have to be fixed.

I sort of fixated on the term “identity”.  So, I guess it’s sort of like going to a costume party where I might wear a soldierly costume and pretend, just for that time, to be Napoleon Bonaparte  and at another time I could wear a diaphanous costume and go as, let’s say, Cleopatra…my choice.  I’m good with that.

I try very hard to respect all people and the choices they make, but this “xxx-sexuality” has gotten out of hand.  And again, according to authorities, there is an astounding range of “sexual identities”.  I mean, I think there are more “sexual identities” than there are people “identifying sexually”.  There is actually an extensive list of “sexual identities”.  It’s impressive!  There were 26 of them, no, wait…47, no, wait…81.  After reading a list, it’s hard not to come to the conclusion that it boils down to male-female, male-male, female-female…or not doing it, but just thinking about it.  Evidently, you can be “pangender” (had to loom that up) but that shouldn’t be confused with “pansexual” (Had to look that one up too).  What?  Pangender is a person who feels their identity encompasses all possible genders at once.  There’s a trick.  And pansexual is an attraction to people regardless of their gender.  All this time I thought “Pan” was a mythical Greek who played the flute.  And pangenders and pansexuals have their own holiday…June 19th.  Is that some kind of cultural appropriation considering June 19th is the Federal holiday “Junteenth”?  And they have their own flag.

Just flags is a whole cottage industry.

Back to the list…
** Allosexual – a person who experiences sexual attraction.
** Anromantic – a person who experiences little or no romantic attraction, regardless of sex.
** Autosexual – No, not sex with a 57 Chevy.  It’s someone attracted to themselves.  Hmmm
** Cupiosex – People who don’t experience sexual attraction but still have the desire to engage in sexual behavior or a sexual relationship.
** Graysexual – No, sadly not sexual attraction to old people.  It’s the grey area on the sexuality spectrum.  Who knew there was a spectrum?
** Libidoist – An asexual person whose sexual feelings are satisfied through self-stimulation.  Something you never really admitted to friends and family.
** Non-libidoist – An identity on the asexuality spectrum.  Someone who doesn’t experience any sexual feelings or has an active sex drive.  What?
** Sapiosexual – Those who experience attraction based on intelligence rather than sex or gender.  Does that include “Ze has a nice personality?”

And it just goes on…and on.  Wait a few minutes and there will be a few more added.  How about a gender for an old, biological male, who just sits home watching DIY shows and gets excited by a new tool?  There must be a gender and sexuality for that.  As on octogenarian, libidoist might be out.

If someone wants to “identify” as some, essentially made up, “sexuality” then have at it, but under no circumstances expect me to support and applaud a choice which is, by any rational thinking, pretty ridiculous; it’s a cry for help.  And again, under no circumstances, tell me that “identifying” as a cat or a dog is the act of a rational person.  Why not a wombat or a parakeet?  Oh, yeah, they are not mammals.

Authoritative studies show that 7.2% of the US population identifies as some element of LGBT…7.2%.  Once again, a minority drives a direction not endorsed by the majority population.

I will state clearly, I do not now and never will accept bullying or threats of violence against another person, in any way, shape, or form..  That has nothing to do with “gender” or “sexual” choice; that has everything to do with common decency and human respect.  I don’t accord fair and honest treatment to an individual because of any other condition than being human.
It’s dreadful that a person feels compelled to self-harm because of a choice they have made, but one must understand not only the nature of choices but the ramifications of forcing an agenda on an unwilling recipient.

A person can assume any “gender or sexual identity” they wish, but that does not mean that I must accept and respect that choice be adhering to their wishes on how they are to be addressed.  The English language pronouns are he, him, his, she, her, hers, they, them.  They and them are not intended to be used to describe a singular known person.  They and them are used to refer to one or more persons whose gender is not known and who are not closely present.  Because they have been co-opted by the LGBT movement, does not essentially change the pronoun in common usage.  I still reserve the right to use the pronouns as they were intended.  I also reserve the right to use male and female rather than some convoluted construction.  If that offends someone; if that “hurts” someone’s feelings, if someone feels “victimized”, my observation would have to be that your “affliction” has been caused by a life choice you have made.
If a person wants to live contrary to the majority, in this country, it’s their right, and as such, must be accorded the degree of respect any human should be accorded.  Also, as it’s incumbent upon me to accept a position contrary to mine, it’s also incumbent that the other person to accept my position as contrary to theirs.

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