About The Conservative Voice

Our goal is to further Conservative thought and principle and point out the manner in which Progressivism is radically altering traditional American values and American thought.  We have no intent to judge what an individual may think or voice, as that freedom is embodied in our way of life.  The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees us that freedom of speech and thought.  We have the right to reject actions, no matter how strident the adherents; we have the right to disagree.  Progressivism is the greatest danger to the American Republic.

A democracy is a Progressive Utopia…until it’s not.  Progressives energetically pursue the notion of the perfect democracy, one where government provides all and is idolized by an entitled citizenry.  The more the masses crave, the more the government provides.  There seems no end to the cycle of ask and give, even when the money runs out.  No more money?  Just print more and devalue the currency.  The more that is printed, the more there is; the more there is, the more prices rise.

The enfranchised are all too often, in numbers, a minority who cloak their agendas in terms of morality.  Their iniquity is a thin veneer barely covering their insatiable grasp for power and dominance.  There is no conventional morality in what they do.

As their progress is impeded, they resort to age old devices.  First, they cry that “the other side” is trying to destroy the order; then they resort to scapegoating, finding a target they can demonize to shift the narrative from them.

The Progressives consume more and more power until such time as their control is complete, complete with laws, edicts, regulations, policies which now control the oblivious masses.  At that point democracy dies.  Whatever structure existed becomes moot; it’s now rule by executive order.  Democracy has died, and some authoritarian rule has taken its place.

“Democracy” becomes a catch phrase.  The Progressives tell any and all, they are there to save “the democracy”; the opposition are the evil ones attempting to destroy “the democracy”.   They use the mechanics of government to break down the order, and under some guise of “morality”, reshape the order to suit their ends…complete control.  They use the repetition of an often spurious charge to diminish their opponents. They use the whims of a minority to stir hatred of the majority.  They have little regard for conventional practices, instead supporting questionable, often contrary causes.

The sole purpose is to establish and consolidate power to the extent that they become the only party in control.  Such is the Democrat Party of today.  Make no mistake; they are not stupid, ignorant, ridiculous people.  Quite the contrary.  They are cold, conniving, conspiring.  Over many years and administrations, they have cleverly built an effective apparatus.  They cloak there exertions in the guise of virtuous causes, protecting the “working man”, safe-guarding minorities, saving the environment, and, of course, saving democracy.  They are an enemy who should never be underestimated; they will use whatever devices and tactics they can to control and then subjugate the nation.

Keep in mind, I do not contend that ALL acts of Progressive administrations are destructive of the Republic, but rather it’s the slow, inexorable journey to total control, the impetus of the “reform”, the clear desire to bend the Constitution away from its original intent, the interpretation of the Constitution to adhere to “popular whim” which dooms the Constitutional Republic

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