Israel and Hamas

The Israeli-Hamas war is not an Israeli war on Palestinians; it is now and has been since about 2005, a war to end the terrorist activities of Hamas directed, not only at the complete destruction of the State of Israel but any Jew, anywhere. 

In this, it’s Hamas who are breaking all the norms of civilization; it’s Hamas who perpetrated the attack on Israel; it’s Hamas who killed Israeli citizens, beheaded Israeli babies, burned Israeli homes with people still in them; raped innocent women; it’s Hamas who rampaged through that music festival killing Israelis and other nationals.  It’s Hamas who provoked this; Israel did not attack itself.

Yes, yes it’s true innocent Palestinians are being injured and killed as are innocent Israelis.  In any conflict since man first picked up a club, the innocent have suffered.  Sadly, but true, that’s a fact of human history.  But just how innocent are the “innocent”?

Mind you as you read this, I am not saying that Israel is totally free of blame. It’s a lengthy history to be sure.

Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 there has been talk of a two state resolution; even today the “two state solution” goes to the forefront of any discussion.  Today, there are Palestinians who live Gaza and work in Israel; Palestinians who live and work in Israel; Palestinians in the Israel government; Palestinians in the Israeli IDF. 

Yasser Arafat, rather than working to live in a shared homeland, chose exile as a means of demonstrating discontent.  It was Yasser Arafat who set the Palestinians on a course of selected, enduring victimhood.  Now, the path to be followed is one of always being the victim of Israeli persecution.  Revolutionary groups such as Al Fatah, the PLO, Hezbollah, and Hamas feed on victimhood; they perpetuate victimhood.  They control the Palestinians by spewing hate for the Jew to perpetuate their victimhood.

How innocent are the Palestinians?

In 2005, Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel, removed all Jewish settlements from the Gaza Strip.  At the same time, all Israeli troops and police were removed, and Gaza was established as a Palestinian controlled area, with a Palestinian government and a Palestinian police force.  Palestinians in Gaza saw Fatah as corrupt, so they voted in an alternative…Hamas.  The goals of Hamas have always been the destruction of Israel, and the Palestinians knew that.  They are the ones who voted in the terrorists.  Since being installed into power, Hamas has ruled Gaza with an iron hand.  Dissent is not allowed; non-conformity is met with swift retribution.  Why did not masses of Palestinians leave Gaza City?  They are terrified at the response of Hamas.  From the point of view of Hamas, the Palestinians are “insurance” against assault from Israel.  This time they may have misjudged.

It’s said, the Palestinians live in a large, open air prison. If so, it’s a prison of Hamas’ making.

It’s an age old story…install corrupt leaders and then lack the courage to dispose of them.  It’s easier to play the victim.

We have stories coming out of Gaza, reported by Hamas news sources, by Al Jazeera, by Fatah in Jordan and East Jerusalem.  And how quick we are to believe those sources; so quick, in fact, that university and college students and professors in this country rush to believe them.  We should think critically.  We know how we distrust our own news media, yet we choose to believe a news source that is so clearly biased.  We chose not to believe in Nazi concentration camps, or Russian gulags.  And look at all those smiling faces in North Korea.

There was a young woman demonstrating at an American university who was asked by a reporter why she was demonstrating.  Her answer was to free Palestine from the Israeli invasion and massacre of innocent Palestinians.  When asked about the attack by Hamas, she said it never happened; there were no people killed; there were no women raped; there were no beheadings; there were no babies killed.  Israel made it all up.  She could not tell clearly where she had gotten that information, but she was sure it was true.  It’s clear our educated class has no idea of the difference between Hamas and the Palestinians or fantasy and reality.

And she was not the only one…

Then there were marches by LGBT groups condemning Israel and supporting Hamas.  Let’s think of that again.  Against Israel…which has no anti-LGBT laws, and for Hamas…which would kill every L…G…B…T…and Jew.  I guess it’s “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” (until he kills you).

It’s astounding the level of ignorance witnessed at American institutions of higher learning over the past few weeks.  Clearly critical thinking is not taught in American schools.  But again, it’s the era of victimhood.

I’m all in favor of demonstrations…the peaceful, informative kind.  I do not oppose pro or anti Israel demonstrations; I do not oppose pro or anti Palestinian demonstrations.  I fully expected and was not surprised by “the Squad”.  You had to know that was coming and those members play the race and victimhood card at every opportunity. 

Demonstrations to air our grievances are a bedrock of our society, but shouldn’t demonstrators at least be informed and knowledgeable?  But I guess in the current climate, being the victim plays well on stage.

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